Taking no other sacrifice than your time.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Quantum Nathan

  Ignoring my obvious lack of physics education beyond the basics of what "quantum" means, I've started a blog. I'm not going to get into the specifics, I just wrote a whole thing explaining what the goal is. Check it out here! That was more fun that it should have been... Your ol' pal here at Mimir's Well is taking his fountain of knowledge and putting it to good use. I'm here to help by being there for you. I'm in both freaking places at once, and it's awesome. I know that it's over at Tumblr, the anti-Blogspot, but I thought It might be a good idea to spread myself to both because I've had some troubles with Blogspot and I've heard good things about Tumblr. Mimir's Well will stay up and active, because if you read the first post you'll see that it's by email only, so it's not like all of my thoughts will move there. Nathan out!

Go Ahead and Kill Me, but Don't Hurt the Language

Hi ppl
i missed 2weeks of class and today (tuesday)'s lecturewill neone b willing to share chapter 2 lecture and chapter 5?????ill really appreciate t _T

Do you know what that is? I wish I didn't. That was an email from a girl in my psych lecture that was sent out to everyone in my class. This is absolutely embarrassing. I am actually embarrassed to be part of this generation. Now, obviously this isn't a good sample of every single person out there, but I've gotten a few terrible emails in the past few weeks similar to this one. This one definitely tops them all though... This wasn't a very extensive post, but I thought that I should at least share it with you all. Have a comic to lighten things up.
