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Friday, February 10, 2017

The Cobbler and The Faerie

While many tales exist to warn us against deals with faeries, there are a few that serve to remind us that they are not completely without their own foolish ways.

One such story is that of the cobbler who upon meeting a faerie was asked to make him the finest boots he could ever imagine for the summer solstice. In exchange, the faerie would give him pocket watch. What was remarkable about the watch, the faerie explained, was that as long as it kept time it would grant the cobbler fortune beyond his wildest dreams. The faerie, thinking himself rather clever, broke the watch so it would not run. The cobbler agreed and presented the faerie with a pair of boots the likes of which none had seen, in the land of faerie or otherwise. The faerie kept his end of the deal and gave the cobbler the watch. Upon returning home and seeing the watch would not work he brought it to his friend the jeweler, who simply remarked that it needed a new winding mechanism and fixed it for less than the cost of a handful of nails. The cobbler lived happily ever after and without his watch the faerie missed the summer solstice.