1:55 am
Well I was right, I don't like waking up this late. Sometimes if I'm really tired I'll take a nap around 11 pm and then wake up between 1 am and 4 am, at which point my sleep schedule is all wonky. This is not the case this time at least, since I got my 9 hours and was supposed to be asleep, not crashing in the middle of the evening. One thing I've noticed though is that when I wake up midway through the "night" and check my clock to see how much longer I have to sleep, I get annoyed. I woke up in the dark, looked at the clock to see it said 10:20 pm and said, "Oh fuck me" and went back to sleep. For some reason this past week my instant reaction to seeing that I have to keep sleeping has been a source of annoyance.
I realized what I need to do is instead of just taking 12 hours away to see what time it is normally (as I did yesterday), I have to map it against a regular day by itself. For instance, I woke up at 1 am today, that's really 9 am according to the schedule I'm working toward.
One point of interest I've noticed is how my lifestyle permeates what time I want it to be. For instance, it's technically 10 am for me, I should get some breakfast. At the same time, however, I know it's 2 am and because of my regular hours I would think nothing of grabbing dinner at this hour. That's not helping me transition very well though, because I certainly would not want to eat a whole chicken for breakfast. On the other hand I've noticed that I'm more awake when I've woken up lately. Maybe, again, it's the whole, "I'm awake in the middle of the day, I should jump up and get my day started!" thing. Even if I'm a little tired lately, I have a lot of energy when I first wake up compared to waking up in the mornings. I know for a fact that I'm not a morning person because if I get 9-10 hours of sleep and wake up at noon versus 9 in the morning, I have much more energy when I wake up in the former. That's partially what's attributed to me staying up so late in the first place; I just naturally gravitate towards the later hours. I'm hoping that if I have breakfast I can fool myself into thinking that it's really the morning. Real morning, not 2 in the morning. One thing I can say is nice about this schedule right now is that I get the sunrise and sunset without waking up at 6 am every day, my earliest classes don't start until 9:30 am.
12:37 pm
I'm thinking about cutting this experiment down a couple of days. I'm not giving up by any means, but it goes into Monday and I don't want to be messing around the first day of the semester. Instead, I might try and stay up "later" tonight by a couple of hours. The general schedule has been "sleep 9, awake 15", but I might bump up the hours awake. I can't do too many more because otherwise I'll have to sleep in and this will all be for naught. I'm supposed to go to bed at 7 pm tonight, but if possible I'm going to try and ride it out until 10, jumping to tomorrow's schedule a day early. It's only three hours more, but it's also six more than yesterday. We'll see what happens. Maybe the madness will return and I'll just blow up.
3:41 am
Well this was a terrible idea. I couldn't keep my eyes open around 6 pm (was scheduled for 7) so I decided to go to sleep. My first plan was to go to bed at 7 and sleep until 5, making it 10 hours but bringing me closer to waking up at 9 am, the purpose to this whole thing.
Where am I now? I fell asleep an hour early and am now awake half an hour too early. I'm not quite fucked yet because I still have a day or two to fix this, but tomorrow I'm going to really have to stay up if this is going to work. Half an hour obviously isn't too bad, but I was hoping to sleep until 5, not 3:30. I'm hoping the stuff I have to do today, clean my room and pack to go back to school, will keep me awake until midnight tonight. I know that six hours in one day is going to be reeeally difficult, but I'm seeing some friends tonight and hopefully that will keep me awake. I might nap later today, but even when I'm on a regular schedule I hate naps. I might have to, on the other hand, purely because otherwise I'm going to be going to bed at 9 pm or something and I'm moving back to school at 10 pm. Yes, you probably see the problem here.
7:35 am
Oh well, I guess I'm up for the day. I'll just have to stay busy and see if I can't make the jump to sleeping around midnight tonight. This ought to be an interesting day!