Taking no other sacrifice than your time.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Duh Duh Duh, Another One Bits the Dust

  Besides the most badass way to give CPR, though hopefully not a prediction, it's also a useful way to say goodbye to comics that are moved to Caught Ups for reasons that are not due to The Lull. Those are the saddest. It usually means the comic has stopped updating long enough to be considered dead and not worth loading based on the update schedule. Today we say goodbye to Mint Condition. It was an interesting comic, and I hope that it returns someday. I also hope that it didn't stop updating due to the author's wife, because that was the original reasoning and would be terrible...

  But as we live and die, so do comics. As someone that was not me and lived in the past said, probably more than once, "Out with the old, and in with the new!" Much like a hydra, as we say goodbye to one comic, six more have come to take its place! While I will miss each comic that is moved to Caught Ups, I enjoy finding new comics to read and become attached to. That being said, these new comics are reviewed and Comics Galore as a whole has been revised a bit, as I discovered that a month and a half old post was very poorly written and not impressive at all. That has hopefully been fixed, but feel free to point out gaping errors. Typos will be corrected at some point, but it's such a long piece, and updating over time, that it takes a lot of time, so I appreciate your patience. Feel free to make a short walk over to Comics Galore and take a gander! It's even free!

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