Taking no other sacrifice than your time.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 6: Pick Up Sticks

5:37 pm
  Well this day has certainly gone better than I expected! I spent quite a lot of this morning playing Skyrim. Before that I watched Nemesis Game, which wasn't very good, but kind of scary because they kept me thinking something was going to pop out and be scary but instead it was just disappointed. It had some good riddles though, so that was cool. It was a bad idea to watch it before the sun came up though, for obvious reasons so like an idiot I walked through my house turning on all the lights as I went.

  It's almost six and I feel pretty good, so hopefully I can make it another six before I crash. The stretch it going to be the next four because I'm not going back to school until 10 pm. That means I probably won't pack until 8:30, or let's be realistic, 9:15. I have to fill these hours or get tired. Maybe I'll fight crime.

11:53 am
  Pick up sticks? Ugh, fuckin' more like picking up the tattered remains of my life. Just kidding mostly. As I said yesterday, I'm bulldozing the end of this project by going to bed within the next half hour. I have been up for 20 hours and I can definitely feel it. I started to fall asleep around 8 pm tonight so I made dinner and started to rewatch About Schmidt. It's a really great movie but really depressing because of how real-to-life it is. I love slice of life movies, but they are not movies that will keep you awake. Eating helped and then I rushed around the house packing. The fact that I had to be ready to leave and move back in to school around 9 pm helped keep me up a bit but at this point I'm comfy in my bed and really tired. I don't have to be up until 11 am tomorrow so I'm hoping that I'll sleep for 11 hours or so and balance shit out.

  I feel like a time traveler. My body doesn't know when day and night is at this point. Last night when I got tired at 6 pm and fell asleep, it could have been any time of the night because it was dark and I was tired. I had to keep telling myself that it was the beginning of the evening and not the middle of the night because judging by my body's state, it could have been 5 am.

  If there was a font for how I was feeling right now, it would be face down on the floor not moving.
I chose the worst time to back up my computer. Only 170 GB left! I could leave my computer on and let it finish but I don't want to leave it on the rest of the night for half an hour's worth of backup.

12:12 am
  This is awesome I hope I don't die.

12:15 am
  That'd be terrible if I died and they found my computer laying next to me with that on it. That would put the fear of Gd into people! Pew pew!

12:17 am
  Okay, I feel less... manic now. Reading through Day Four's journal, I think I need to edit this stuff a lot because I explained some things in the wrong way and just for general errors. Maybe tomorrow after my only class I will start editing this week's work.

12:33 am
  I feel like if I were to ever become a serial killer it would be when I was sleep deprived. That's more of a projected guess than a warning because I'd instantly apologize like everything else right now.

12:35 am
  I'd feel devastated if my penis just broke off one day. Something that has devastated me, however, is that someone took the strawberry poptart out of the condom jar in the hall way.
  I have to go to bed. This is hopefully the end of the sleep experiment please I hope it's over. I'll do a follow-up tomorrow sometime but in terms of getting on track this is more or less it.

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