7:09 pm
I'm pretty sure I've weeded out my body's true cycle. I woke up at 4 pm feeling pretty good, so I have a feeling that 7am-4pm is when my body thinks it should be sleeping. Well body, I'm afraid I'm here to change that!
I hate waking up in the dark. If anything is going to screw me up, it's that. Last winter break I completely messed myself up by going to bed around around 9 or 10 and waking up between 6 and 7. Obviously that's what I'm doing now, but I'm only passing through. Last winter I got stuck in this schedule and I always woke up so tired. I don't know that much about it, but spending a whole winter break getting 5 minutes of sunlight a day did not make my body nor my brain very pleased. At least I'm only doing this for a day. Tomorrow is going to have some interesting effects because I'm awake from 7 pm to 1 pm tomorrow. I don't really look forward to that, nor do I look forward to sleeping until 10 pm. I
am however completely fine with being up from 10 pm until 4 pm the next day. I have some stuff to get done and that's when I'm going to do it, but I think the prospect of being up for practically a whole day, until 4 pm! Gosh!
Looking at this schedule reminds me of taking the train system around Chicago. You might pass stations you don't need to get off at or go farther than you'd like because you have to transfer to another train to go back the way you came but then it curves and goes where you need. Honestly I still don't know why this schedule works, but I know it does and so I trust myself from the past to have done everything correctly. I think today or tomorrow is the peak of messing myself up. This schedule is definitely an example of things having to get worse before they get better. Looking at my calendar I don't consciously understand why I'm going to bed at 4 pm, but then I remind myself that I'm going around the 24-hour clock to get
back to normal. On paper this all seems normal but now that I'm here it seems pretty goofy. But if it works I'll be happy!
I believe the reason I'm confused is because I'm thinking, why does going to bed at 7 pm help me at all? That's staying up pretty late the next day, which is what I'm trying to stop. Then I have to remind myself I've gone forward into the next day on purpose and that everything's alright. This is what I was worried about when I started this. I'm hoping once I'm going to bed at midnight or 1 am like a regular person I'll adapt and understand. If not, I'm going to be constantly thinking that I've stayed up too late and will never know what day it is. Well, we'll see what happens, I still have...ohfuckme...five days left. Party like a rockstar I suppose.
7:33 pm (It's really weird to be labeling this "pm" after last night's journal.)
Just thought I'd share this comic with you all, I found it amusing:
11:03 pm
So I'm watching videos of pranks on youtube and as most of you know, at the end it gives you related videos.
Uuuuuh.... |
I decided to click on it and it's a clip from what looks like a Spanish soap opera. I don't know what it's doing there, but it was weird.
7:40 am
I find it interesting that instead of seeing the effects this schedule is having on me, I'm just hanging out like always. I guess at the end it might be interesting to map out my days and compare the hours to see what time of the day is most like others. The only trouble with that is because it's winter break, waking up at 7 pm is about the same as waking up at 7 am. Oh well.
Anyway, I've written about goofy Craigslist adventures before but after a couple weeks the links became defunct so I won't bother linking to it. I will, however like to this
Cracked article! At least now I don't seem like a crazy person for looking at Craigslist (#1 in the article). I always find Craigslist interesting just to see the type of people on there, what they're looking for, and how they ask for it, as well as which taglines catch my attention enough to click on them.
Like this woman! Obviously that woman is older, but I always feel kind of sad when I see people in my age group (between 20 and 24) on Craigslist, especially when they're looking for long-term relationships or their "soul mate" (a surprising number are). I'm 20. I can't imagine looking for a real relationship on something as sketchy as this, or even online. But if it works I suppose more power to them.
Oh man,
this girl too, goofy.
Alright, it looks like I'm going to be on here a while:
This girl isn't too strange, but I have to be completely honest here, I clicked on her ad because I thought it said, "What to live in a Sub?" I suppose that tells you something about me?
A couple of months ago someone posted this to Twitter from Reddit and I found it really interesting,
check it out.
-- Not going to lie,
this is pretty amusing.
--It's not because of your weight, but yes.
You are wrong because you are looking on Craigslist.
-- People who
don't own levels need not apply.
--I've been on here for 15 minutes, I really should go be more productive with my life. But at least it's not like last time where I had a paper due the next day.
8:36 am
Well I've moved on to Cracked, which is
definitely more intellectually stimulating. While you're here, check out
John Cheese, my favorite writer for Cracked.
So I was thinking a bit more about my schedule and while it's not perfect, I think today is definitely the peak of my schedule, it's about 12 hours off from where I want to be. That's pretty cool to me for some reason.
11:41 am
One interesting thing I've noticed about this experiment or what-have-you is that I'm always really tired the last two or so hours of every day. I think it's because of the 3 hour push-jump, but I can't be sure. All I know is that the past couple of nights it's been a bit of a struggle to stay awake. It hasn't been as bad as times I've woken up with too little sleep and had to fight for consciousness, but I'm still pretty tired. I must say, I'm enjoying the amount of sunlight I'm seeing... There's so much light blue, I haven't see it in a while! It's strange, on one hand I want to go to bed, but on the other I actually feel like I'm going to miss the sunlight. I don't think my body knows what to do at this point. Probably should just go out and have copious amounts of sex.