Taking no other sacrifice than your time.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How do you get a female minecrafter pregnant? Use your mineshaft.

Day 1:
The sand castle is complete. I have been hiding out here for a few hours since it's completion in order to get a lay of the land. I have not seen any natives on this island, but the local wildlife (pigs, sheep, cows, and chickens) would indicate a farm somewhere nearby. Perhaps if I can gather the resources I shall venture out and see what I can't discover of the landscape and hopefully allies.

Night 1:
By the gods, this was a mistake. This was all a grave mistake. Whatever the natives once were they are no longer, but rather a mutation of their former selves. The inhabitants of this island appear to have morphed into horrible monsters resembling zombies, skeletons, and creeping plant life. I have see large spiders but I do not imagine they anything more well fed. I do not know the source nor the cause of this mutation, but I pray it does not reach me or the animals or all is lost. I have quickly retreated to my castle, though a fortress it is not. I was warned to bring or make as many torches as I could because nights here "might be hazardous without light". Truer words have never been spoken. I have made about 64 torches a laid them about my camp. I do not believe the creatures can swim, but I put a torch on the back wall of my castle to ward off these unholy abominations. I know that might be redundant, but there are not enough adjectives to describe these unholy creatures of Hell.

Day 2:
I decided to venture out, quite cautiously mind you, to see what the new day brings me. High up on what I have now named Venture Hill was a curious sight. It was one of the monsters, a zombie I think, on fire! He did not run around or attempt to put it out as a person might, but rather hid under a tree. I have not tested this hypothesis, nor do I have the means to safely do so, but I have a very good feeling that the sun is what causes these creatures harm. I might be safe enough to do any necessary work during the day time if I allow for time to scurry back to my home. Without a way to safely move to a new area, I fear that is what this place has become, though hopefully not my grave while we're at it. When I attempted to approach the inflamed creature, against my common sense, I found it to be gone. Of course I had to climb about 40 feet up the hill, but I was hoping that it would survive long enough to investigate further. When I did reach the top, all I found was the burnt remains of a chicken and some dust that quickly blew away with the wind.

Night 2:
I worry that while the monsters have not crawled out of anywhere where my torches are planted, they might seek me out by following said torches to my camp. As a precaution I have relocated myself underground, about 20 feet down, and placed a rock in the way of the ladder. My hope is that the creatures are not smart or strong enough to remove it and find my sanctuary.

Day 3:
I made a terrible error in judgment. I had hoped that I was strong enough to take these creatures on if it came down to that, and while I was right, I was also so so wrong. I encountered one of the plant creatures, and believe me you, they are definitely not to be trifled with. I pulled my trusty hoe off my belt and began circling the strange humanoid attempting to gain the upper hand.
***On a side note, the hoe has yet to break or diminish as all of my other tools have, and it is of simple wood. I have had no time to explore the possibilities nor do I want to jinx this good luck that has finally fallen upon me in this accursed place.***
The creeper (reminiscent of the Pottselvania Creeper from Rocky and Bullwinkle and thus named so) worryingly makes no sound when moving. I must remember this for the future lest it attacks me while my attention is elsewhere. Anyway I digress. We both sort of lunged at each other, and while I managed to vanquish it, I fear if I am not more careful next time, the next one might be more successful in its endeavors. It exploded. Yes, that is correct. It detonated like one might expect TNT to detonate, except worse. It was like a barrel full of gunpowder near a pack of chain smokers. It must have blown out a 13-foot radius, including the ground. There was dirt everywhere, which after gaining my composure I quickly collected and stored in compact blocks. I was able to get back down to my castle and stumble down the ladder to my sanctuary, but I fear if I am not extremely careful next time, I might end up as dead as that creeper. Even in my early age of 27, I do not think my heart could take another shock of physical and mental stress. I have consumed the only bit of meat, cooked on a furnace I've crafted out of stone, I was able to salvage from a cow the other day. I have had an exceeding amount of trouble retaining meat from these creatures, they are quite hardy and I cannot bring myself to gouge their sides out as they flee from the bite of my axe. The chickens are quite easy to catch and kill, but I have had trouble carefully getting anything useful from their small bodies as I do not have an adequate blade. I will have to look into additional crafting.