Taking no other sacrifice than your time.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Feeding You in 140 Characters or Less

  In my last post I explained why using the interwebs for it's intended purpose is not so bad. I also argued that Twitter isn't the worst place in the world. Now I'm going to put my money where my mouth is. On my face.

Get some.
 The following (Oh gosh. Pun not intended.) people are in no particular order, it's just how they are listed in my profile. For those of you who don't use Twitter, 140 characters is the maximum length a tweet can be, and to make sure these descriptions are the right length, I've typed them out in Twitter and copy and pasted them here. So ha! Anyone with a * next to their name has a comic that can be found at Comics Galore.

@MikeandTomEatSnacks: Michael Ian Black and Tom Cavanagh eat snacks and rate them. This is great for finding out about each new podcast!

@birdlord: Emily Horne of A Softer World gives you the latest update on the comic, as well as interviews, podcasts, links and amusing thoughts. *

@michaelianblack: Michael Ian Black (you must know who he is...) updates with news, his usual brand of humor, and info about any shows he's doing.

@AndyMarsolais: Hilariously inappropriate or just hilarious blurbs about everything. Incredibly quote-worthy. Or "retweeting" as folks call it.

@funnyordie: Yes, that Funny Or Die. This way I get the latest videos and pages when they go up. It's a lot like following Cracked.

@cracked: I link to them all the time. Great for the newest articles, as well as their Late Night Classics. It's a lot like following Funny or Die.

@HowardStern: The King of all media, he over-tweets sometimes, but he did this awesome thing by posting director's commentary for Private Parts.

@thecheckoutgirl: She's an awesome comedian with a dirty sense of humor. I don't know who she is otherwise, but she's done some stand up on the east coast.

@birbigs: Mike Birbiglia is a wonderful comedian. He clogs up the feed a bit with plugs for his shows, but when he tweets otherwise, it's worth it.

@realtalkcat: Someone tweeting from the perspective of a cat. It's extremely humorous, especially if you've ever had a cat.

@simonpegg: He also tends to clog up twitter with stuff about his new movie, Paul, but I love his daily, Brian's Shirt of the Day photos, and he's funny

@Soren_Ltd: Soren's a writer for Cracked, and he's absolutely hilarious, especially since he usually just tweets to be funny, not for Cracked plugs.

@BobWeide: He's a director and comedy writer. He tweets humor, and only tweets every couple of days, so he's not all over the place.

@Humblebrag: Humblebrag is awesome because he/she retweets famous people's tweets who are so nonchalant about their famous day-to-day lives.

@lartist: Artist for LICD and LFG, he posts sketches and amazing pieces of art here, as well as letting you know about his friday Ustreams. *

@drmistercody: Another writer of Cracked, he tweets silly comments and links, and mentions articles and videos he does.

@moby_dickhead: Adam Ellis, author/artist for Book of Adam, this is the best way to get updates about his work, and he's entertaining. *

@TimCAD: Tim Buckley, author/artist for Ctrl-Alt-Del, puts up sketches of his comics before they're done, and he's a great source for gaming links.

@d20monkey: Brian Patterson, author/artist of D20 Monkey, posts a few comic links, funny comments, comic updates, and some of the D&D maps he makes. *

@feliciaday: She posts updates for games and her internet show, The Guild, and general gamer information.

@buttersafe: A mix of Alex and Ray, they tweet funny stuff sometimes and they let you know when they're next comic is up. *

She's a lot like The Check Out Girl. The people who are similar have been recommended by ProSexTips or Schindizzle.

@KarlKerschl: He's done a lot of Superman work and now does Abominable Charles Christopher. He's a great artist and posts little extra pieces and articles *

@OurValuedComics: He's posted a few articles here and there, but for the most part he tweets whenever he updates, which is useful if you check too early.  *

@bugcomic: He also posts when he updates so that's good for the same reason as Mr Tim, but he also tweets similar to the stuff I do. Less videos though  *

@JIDoubleMYPopGo: Lead singer of The Bloodhound Gang, he tweets inappropriate statements & sometimes interesting pictures/links. Not constantly, which is nice

@sohmer: Writer for 3 of my favorite comics, he posts really interesting articles about the comic world, as well as updates for The Gutters.  *

@MrDonaldGlover: Community star, Childish Gambino, and stand up comedian; he's a great guy and is really funny (obviously). Look for his #cangetit trends.

@Schindizzle: He works for Funny Or Die and is a lot like ProSexTips, so you know he's awesome.

@smbctheater: The Monday video troupe, they let you know about contests and new videos.

@SWAIM_CORP: One of the best authors of Cracked, he updates with new videos and articles as well as really funny idea every so often.

@amazingsoup: They tweet their comic updates, but they also tweet photos and great jokes. It's not often, but it's awesome when they do.  *

@tinyghosts_boo: Like Mr. Tim, he only tweets his comic updates on mondays, so not very exciting, but if you don't like comic folders, this is good for you. *

@joeycomeau: The writer of A Softer World, he posts comic updates and really interesting blogs that are always worth checking out. *

@notch: Creator of Minecraft, he tweets about updates, cool games and videos, as well as articles from PC Gamer and other reviewers. 

@AllieBrosh: Author of Hyperbole and A Half, she doesn't tweet often, except for the time she got stuck in the airport, and when she can't sleep. *

@RyanMakesComics: Cartoonist for Accursed Dragon, he tweets his other comic I don't read and updates for AD. He occasionally links videos and whatnot. *

@beatonna: Because her updates are sporadic, she posts them here. She also posts comics, sketches, photos, and links that you don't get from her site. *

@ZachWeiner: He posts some of the coolest links, from games to science to his blog about everything. He also links his comic updates the night before. *

@danteshepherd: Dante posts cool science articles and lets you know when he's doing Ustream for his comic, and like SMBC, updates the night before. *

@skidmorebluffs: He only updates about his comic, which is infrequent, so it's convenient, but otherwise he mostly chats with Dante, but that doesn't show up *

@ProSexTips: The best I can say is that he's a terrible person and I love it. He's worse than Schindizzle and his tagline says it all.

@DOB_INC: One of the head writers at Cracked, he updates with his articles stuff from his Tumblr. Sometimes he tweets outside tidbits though.

@Thunt_Goblins: Thunt tweets silly stuff, and updates for the comic, as well as when he's on Ustream. He's one of the more interesting people to follow. *

So that's my follow list! Whether I've bored you or gotten you on twitter, these are the people I follow. I know for a fact I didn't do these guys (and girls!) justice, but check them out yourself and see what I missed!
Amusingly enough, through this writeup, I got rid of three people, so even if no one reads this, at least it was good for me!


So, I know I've said this before, but here are the newest, and probably best, examples of the common era. All of these are copy and pasted as I got them.

How to ask for help over email:

1. Hello everyone,
 All week i have been sick and was not able to attend and get the end of ch. 7 and the beginning of ch. 8. Please if anyone can send the notes i will really appreciate it. And will return the favor at any time. Thank You

2. Hey guys, I was unable to make it to class yesterday due to the flu, could any one be so kind and send me the chapter 8 powerpoint. it would be so nice of you. thank you.

How not to ask for help over email:

  THX U :3

Every time I reread that one, I actually laugh out loud, because it's just so hilariously shitty.