Taking no other sacrifice than your time.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Comics Comics Comics!

  For now my website is down and blogspot doesn't like when pictures are too big, so I've uploaded them to my Devian Tart:

A Day in the Life
Fun Fact: I wrote this while on the train yesterday and when I pictured the last frame, I actually did giggle a bit.

Questions Answered
Fun Fact: I came up with this one while half awake as I was getting ready for class.

Grand Theft Of My Heart
Fun Fact: That brick wall took about half an hour to draw because I used a ruler.
Fun Fact II: That logo is probably my official one now.

The Health Fairy
Fun Fact: I drew this for someone when they were sick, and it will replace an animation I used to send sick people because I don't have the animation anymore. It was a card that said, Screw "Get Well Soon"... and it would explode and a guy climbed out of the hole and said, Get well now!

Philosophical Musings
Fun Fact: During finals week I did three things: played World of Warcraft, listened to podcasts with the artist and the writer of Least I Could Do, and drew comics.

Ankle Schmankle
Fun Fact: The title was going to be Patients are a Sprain in the Neck, but it felt too long and I didn't want people thinking I sprained my neck.
Fun Fact II: I drew this most recently besides A Day In The Life and I forgot to scan it in last night with everything else. Probably because I couldn't find it and out of sight out of mind.