Taking no other sacrifice than your time.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Home is where you hang your hat, lay your head, and bed your wenches

So I figure with all this wonderful updation going on lately, some of you are interested in what my "castle" and "sanctuary" looks like, so I thought maybe I could illustrate my story with pictures. Which isn't really illustration, I realize that now, but I've typed it so it's too late!!! (There is definitely no editing on this website, I type with this much accuracy all of the time...)

First off, the feared and epic fortress (that's right, it's a fortress now because it has a door)

You would not believe the amount of torches on this thing.

I don't have a bed for wenching, but on that note  I haven't seen any wenches.

So that's where I live right now, but maybe eventually I'll move out into bigger and better things! Probably not though, I like caves and underground living quarters. The castle is a front. Also, this is secret, what's cooler than that?

Why did the minecrafter stop lumberjacking? He couldn't hack it.

Night 3:
  I have retreated underground for a few days, though I do not know how long. I just know I have not written anything since my third day here. In the intermediate time I have managed to craft a sword out of some iron deposits I found and refined here while expanding my underground shelter. It is a fine blade and I hope to put it to good use either in my defense or hunting.

Day 6?
  I decided to pop out and have a look about my castle, just to make sure there was no forced entry or attack on my castle. To my surprise it was daylight, which was quite fortunate as I was quite hungry. I emerged with my sword in hopes of finding a stray cow or pig. I was very pleased to find a whole heard of cows milling about a few yards from my castle! I killed a few, as well as a small family of pigs nearby for the leather and meat, hopefully enough to sustain me for a few days. My plan is to make some simple armor out of the leather should those creepers or anything else attack me while I am out and about.

Night 6:
  My armor has turned out quite satisfactory. It is not the most protective thing in the world, perhaps a barrel around my middle would be better suited, but I make do with what I have. I jest of course, I would hate to have killed those animals for nothing.
  I must be more careful when mining deeper into my lair (I am testing different names as I stay in longer and longer). Earlier this evening I was cutting above me, hear me out, to give myself a bit more head room so that I could quit crawling around on my hands and knees. How am I to survive if I develop a bad back?! Much to my dismay the ceiling caved in a bit causing a mess of sand to come pouring in. Luckily I was able to block the area up, though I have a few interrupting pillars about the area now. Torch posts I suppose! Much to my chagrin I also cut too far east and practically flooded my cave, hitting the lake behind my castle! I lost a few torches, but I have dried them and they should be reusable. I managed to stop the hole up with another piece of rock. All this mining has caused quite an increase in strength, something I hope to put to good use defending myself should I venture out at night again.

Day 7:
  My my, have I already been here a week, if not more? It feels like months, but I suppose that is wishful dreaming. I cannot return home just yet...

Day 7 cont'd:
  I did not mean to make my last entry so short, but I remembered that the trees I planted had looked almost full grown and that I could use the lumber. It is astounding just how fast these trees grow here. After I emerged from my hole in the ground the other day, I saw that the trees I planted were full grown without two days even though the trunk rings indicated two years! Now obviously I did not expect trees to be grown by now, but after I cut down the previous trees, I thought I should repay the land by replanting seeds for the next person, even if that is hundreds of years from now. Anyway, I have tried this numerous times, and it was not some sort of wild fluke, the trees have grown back! This land is more amazing than I thought!

Night 7:
  Not much has happened as of late. I built my castle up a bit and installed a crude wooden door. That should stop any unwanted visitors from coming in, even if they find me. I still retreat to my underground cave at night, just as a double precaution. I doubt they will be able to dig down and find me if they have not in almost eight days. If they are hunting creatures, they would have easily found my scent by now.

Day 8:
  These creepers are going to be the death of me!!! I was fixing up around my castle planting trees and setting up torches when all of a sudden I received what felt like a giant body slam and blacked out. When I awoke there was a large gaping hole in the earth similar to the encounter with a creeper and my backpack blow to bits with my possessions strewn about me. I collected myself and my tools and supplies. I managed to patch up the castle wall that was destroyed in the blast and replace the torches, but it will require further work later when I am up to it. For now I must return downstairs (or rather downladder and pray I do not pass out and fall the rest of the way) and eat a little bit to help regain my strength.

Night 8:
  I have have eaten and feel a bit better. I decided to go out and sit on the wall of my castle and noticed a zombie lurking about at the top of the hill as if deciding whether or not an attack was a good idea. I waited around to see if it would ignite, but it ducked behind the hill as the sun approached so I do not know the outcome of that. The animals are always so active at night, I always think I'm about to be attacked until I realize it's just a cow and then feel foolish.