Notice: This is quite picture heavy.
I don't know where the name Galaga came from, it's not a god or queen in any book I've read. I googled it once, but all I ended up with the arcade game; certainly not something to give your life for.
Not Pictured Above: The Horde, The Emperor, My Dignity |
Well, to be honest, I do know where the name itself comes from. If anyone's seen
Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story,
the goose that laid the golden eggs was named Galaga. Galaga the goose. Anyway, at some point in time, the name got into my head as something to yell when going into battle. That being said, let's get to the real point of this story: Minecraft.
Lately minecraft has gotten a bit dull because if the multiplayer server I'm part of isn't online, I play single player. While this can be exciting, I find it a bit tedious, especially since the nightly portion is usually spent hiding in whatever shelter I've scrounged up.
A few weeks ago I went about finding an inventory editor for single player after watching a video of this guy laying down 3k blocks of TNT. This is hella impressive since I usually get to about 100 (if I'm lucky) before accidentally blowing myself and the project up. That lasted about a week before exploding things got old and I had nothing to do. Recently I picked it back up by loading up with all sorts of cool things and building whatever I wanted. I wasn't really interested in the whole ginormous-creative structure thing you'll see plastered across most websites. I wanted to stay simple while still being fancy, so this is what I went with:
Obsidian with a glass roof. |
That's a simple moat that goes all the way around. There's a window on all 3 sides. |
The reason I went with obsidian is simple. I hate creepers. I hate them so much. Thus, I went with something that withstands being covered with TNT, which I assumed it can't go wrong (don't worry, it doesn't!). Unfortunately monsters can now swim (or maybe they always could?), so they don't sink like I'd prefer, but oh well. There's also a simple 3 square long pit of lava, but it's not anywhere that in-the-way.
So now I've got an indestructible house and the ability to generate anything I need. I've decided to have a fight to the death. I'm hoping it'll be more exciting than it probably will be, but I've decided to make it crazy. First of all, I tore the door and surrounded posts out of the wall, so now it's 3 squares wide, quite a lot of space for a monster to freely come in through. Second of all, I rigged up the whole outside with TNT. Don't be mistaken, I'm not going out there. No, it was difficult enough for me not to blow myself up while setting it all down! It's mostly to blow up monsters before they get here and then fight them in my own house. Yes, that doesn't sound like I'm in a whole lotta danger, but I'm cranking it all the way up to 11 because Normal mode doesn't sound hard enough.
The entry is now open fully. Also, hella pretty. Hella. |
A pig set off one of my explosive traps on an adjacent island... |
I set off a mine myself, so I filled some of the hole with bombs. |
Putting the "mine" back in minecraft. |
Mine-Related Pun Here |
The apples are only for if I'm at 1 or 2 hearts, anything else is toughed out. |
So wish me luck, I'll be posting during each ingame day if I'm still alive!
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